Health Benefits of Aloe-Vera

health benefits of aloevera

Aloe-Vera plant is one of the renowned medicinal plants that we are using for a long period. These plants have several health benefits, from treating sunburns to slowing down the growth of cancer, reducing constipation, healing wounds, skin problems, dandruff, etc.

Aloe-Vera plants produce two items- gel and latex, that are used as medicines. Now, let’s learn in detail the health benefits of Aloe-Vera plant.

How much Aloe-Vera you should use

The Aloe-Vera plant does not have any set doses. There are variations of dosages in creams and gels that consist of Aloe-Vera.

Creams for treating minor burns have 0.5% Aloe-Vera while for diabetes, 1 tbsp. of the gel are used. However, high oral doses of Aloe-Vera gel or aloe latex are dangerous. Hence, do consult a doctor before using Aloe-Vera supplements.

Benefits of Aloe-Vera for Skin

Aloe-Vera helps to keep your skin clear and hydrated. Enriched with vitamin C, E, and beta carotene, Aloe-Vera not only provides the required nourishment to your skin but also prevents premature aging. Aloe-Vera based products can be used in both summer and winter seasons by individuals of any skin type. It helps in eliminating tan, treat sunburns, as well as stretch marks.

How can you use Aloe-Vera to treat dry skin?

  • Blend Aloe-Vera, a pinch of turmeric powder, a tsp. of honey, a tsp. of milk, and a few drops of rose water
  • Apply this mixture on your skin and leave it for some time
  • Pat the skin dry

How can you use Aloe-Vera to treat sensitive skin?

  • Mix Aloe-Vera gel with blended walnuts, 1 tsp. of honey, and 1 tbsp. of flour.
  • Apply the mixture on your face and leave it for some time
  • Rinse it off thoroughly with water

Benefits of Aloe-Vera for Hair

Aloe-Vera consists of proteolytic enzymes that help in repairing dead skin cells on the scalp. It encourages hair growth, strengthens hair strands, calms an itchy scalp, reduces dandruff, and adds shine to your hair. Aloe-Vera items can increase blood circulation. This reduces hair breakage and slows down hair loss. Also, owing to its anti-inflammatory properties, it solves scalp inflammation issues that are caused by dandruff.

Rub Aloe-Vera into your scalp and hair and let it penetrate your hair follicles. Not only will this help in improving your damaged, dry hair, but will also add shine to your hair. Leave the mixture on your hair for an hour and then wash it off with a mild shampoo.

Benefits of Aloe-Vera for Weight Loss

Aloe-Vera has laxative properties. Owing to this reason, it helps in digestion as well as combats water retention. A healthy digestive system boosts metabolism that helps in burning body fat. Since the Aloe-Vera plant is rich in vitamins and minerals, it also aids in converting the fat stored in our body into energy and thus in turn leads to weight loss.

However, you must consume Aloe-Vera regularly in small amounts if you want to lose your weight.

Benefits of Drinking Aloe-Vera Juice

Aloe-Vera juice is a gooey, thick liquid that is derived from the flesh of the Aloe-Vera leaves. Some of the health benefits of Aloe-Vera juice is listed below:

  • Aloe-Vera keeps your body hydrated and also helps in body detoxification.
  • Aloe-Vera juice helps in keeping your liver healthy.
  • This juice is filled with vital nutrients that help in fighting many diseases and infections.
  • Aloe-Vera juice also aids in reducing constipation.

How to make Aloe-Vera Juice?

Making Aloe-Vera juice is very easy.

Ingredients Required: Aloe-Vera gel, 1 tbsp. of lemon juice, and a glass of water

  • Put some Aloe-Vera gel in a glass of water
  • Now, put the water in a pan and heat it until the gel mixes with the water
  • Let the juice cool down and then add a tbsp. of lemon juice before you drink it up.

Side-effects of Aloe-Vera juice 

Non-decolorized or unpurified Aloe-Vera juice has high risks and can cause displeasing side effects like diarrhea and severe cramps. This is because non-decolorized Aloe-Vera juice has a component named anthraquinone which is toxic and thus must be avoided.

Drug interactions with Aloe-Vera juice

Aloe-Vera juice can increase the risk of side effects of some drugs. Do not drink Aloe-Vera juice if you are taking a drug named sevoflurane since it might lead to excessive bleeding. Always consult a doctor if you are drinking Aloe-Vera juice and taking drugs like Sevoflurane and Cytochrome.

Sugar in Aloe-Vera Juice

Aloe-Vera juice does not contain sugar and only a few amounts of calories. So, what are you waiting for? Go and prepare Aloe-Vera juice now!

Where to find the Aloe-Vera Juice?

You can purchase Aloe-Vera juice online from sites like Amazon, Big Basket, etc. Aloe-Vera juice is also available in health food markets. Read the label carefully before you buy Aloe-Vera juice. While purchasing the juice via online or supermarket, do look for statements like organic, safely tested, and decolorized on the package labeling.

You can Buy Aloe-Vera from

General Health Benefits of Aloe vera:

Some of the general benefits of Aloe-Vera are listed below.

  • Aloe-Vera helps in resolving digestion-related problems and digestive disorders like Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).
  • If you coat fruits and vegetables with Aloe-Vera gel, it will remain fresh since Aloe-Vera helps in blocking several dangerous chemicals and bacteria.
  • Aloe-Vera gels help in improving dry skin conditions and slow down premature skin aging.
  • Enriched with vitamin C, Aloe-Vera can help in blocking dental plaque. It also eases bleeding or swollen gums issues.
  • Aloe-Vera plants also help in reducing blood sugar levels.
  • Aloe-Vera treatment can help in curing mouth ulcers, or canker sores.

Side-effects, Disadvantage & Risks of Aloe vera

Some of the side-effects and risks associated with Aloe-Vera are listed below.

  • Aloe-Vera leaves produce latex and many people are allergic to latex. Latex can lead to problems like stomach pain and stomach cramps.
  • Individuals who are allergic to Aloe-Vera gel might face problems like skin rashes, inflammation, itchiness, etc.
  • Aloe-Vera has laxative properties that may lead to dehydration issues.
  • Pregnant women should not consume Aloe-Vera juice as it might stimulate their uterine contractions and can lead to birth complications.
  • Aloe-Vera might reduce the potassium levels of your body and can cause problems like irregular heartbeat, weakness, and fatigue.
  • Aloe-Vera plants contain bio active compounds that might impede the detoxification process of your liver and can result in further health problems.

Precautions and warning of Aloe vera

  • Individuals who are allergic to garlic, onions, and tulips must not consume Aloe-Vera juice.
  • You must not take aloe latexif you have intestinal problems, heart disease, kidney problems, diabetes, hemorrhoid, etc.
  • Individuals who take any sort of drug must consult with his/her doctor before they begin using Aloe-Vera supplements.
  • Beware of applying topical Aloe-Vera to deep cuts or severe burns as it might worsen it further.
  • Oral aloe leads to electrolyte imbalances in the blood of people. This might stain the colon and it won’t be properly visible in the reports of colonoscopy. Hence, avoid oral aloe if you are planning to get a colonoscopy.


Hence, it can be concluded that even though Aloe-Vera has many health benefits, it also has a few side-effects. So, do forget to consult with your doctor before you start taking Aloe-Vera supplements.

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